Saturday, December 9, 2017

Terrain Tags and AI map programming

Hi everyone,
The harem game engine has seen a tremendous amount of progress, and I will probably do a proper reveal of the game along with the overview storyline on my next post once I have the storyline in order.  But for now, I was going to talk more about game design relating to the overmaps.  This is a bit technical like the last post though.

(image reference is from Fire Emblem on the GBA)

In tactical games such as fire emblem, there are different types of terrains that effect the character differently.  An example of this would be terrain such as rivers, mountains or forest. They can effect the character's movement, give additional stats, be impassable by certain characters and so on.  But how is a system like this made?  One way is to differentiate different terrains by giving them tags.  Then effect the character based on what terrain tags are near.

This may sound a little confusing, but in case of the engine I'm using, first I start with something called a tileset(an image that is met to be broken into pieces and placed on the gamemap to form the land, each piece a fixed size(32x32 pixels) and is called a tile).  I place these tiles on the gamemap to form the land(the game's floor/background) you see while playing the game.  Tiles are very common in 2D games, including game engines such as Rpg Maker. 

With a system i made in place, the tiles themselves can be used to automatically mark different terrains.  For example, if you have different tiles depicting water such as a river or lake, you can give them all the water terrain tag.  When the system is in place, the tags look something like this:

 (different terrains are represented here by different numbers)

In this example, each type of tile has a numbered terrain tag.  The areas with no tiles have a terrain tag numbered "0".  Using a system like this, it is possible to have as many different types of terrain interactions as you want.  For example, if terrain tag 4 was for water, you could have the character movement be reduced when trying to pass through terrain tag 4.(another thing in the image above is automatic tiling, a script I made to automatically join tiles based on their origination to each other, similar to rpg maker).

Another thing tactical games have is an AI, or Artificial Intelligence for the computer player.  This can be made many different ways, but one way is to design it to think in a series of steps.  Here is a series of steps that can be used:

1st, at the beginning of the AI team's turn.  The first character in the team would look at it's stats and it's teammate's stats, as well as the enemy teams.

2nd, it would choose an action based on this information and what the character is capable of doing. There are many factors that can be considered here to help the AI choose an action such as level, health, attack, defense..etc. For example, in fire emblem, a healer AI character may notice that a character in it's team has low health.  So the character's desired action would be heal that character.

3rd, the character would move so that it can do this action.  In case of the healing character, he would move next to the character if the healer can walk that far.  If the healer cannot reach the injured character in that turn, the healer may see if they can heal someone else or just simply move closer to the injured character.  If the moving character was a sword-welder instead of a healer, they may move for the purpose of getting closer to an enemy that they can attack.

4th, the character will do the desired action.  In case of the healer, they would heal the injuried character that they are now standing next to.

5th, the character's turn would be over, so they would be marked as inactive and then this whole process would repeat with the remaining team members until there is no one left to move.

Note:pathfinding is used throughout these steps for the AI.
This is one of the ways to program the movement for the AI on an overmap.

Tactical games are among the most complex games to make but hopefully none of what I said was too confusing.  Anyways, I will probably do a reveal of the game on the next post.
Also, you can still vote on the poll here.

Um, that's all for now,
see you later.

Friday, December 1, 2017

Grid Movement and Pathfinding

Hi everyone,
I'm not sure how interesting the following would be but I thought you'll might like to hear a bit about the more technical side of the new game's development.

Tactical/Strategy RPGs games are among the most difficult types of games to make(for making the engine from scratch), one of the main reasons for this is the complexity.

For this game's battle system, the gameplay happens mainly in 2 different view modes: top-down and side-scrolling.  The top-down(overmap) view is similar to tactical rpgs such as fire emblem where you select each character and move them. The side-scrolling(combat) view is more like platforming-style fighting with the player controlling the character directly with the keyboard or gamepad.  As for the basic flow of the game, you move characters in top-down view and enter direct combat in the side-scrolling view.  But for now, I'll focus this post on the top-down(overmap) interactions.

The overmaps in this game uses a 64x64 pixel grid based movement system similar to games such as fire emblem.  Original I made it using a much smaller 32x32 pixel grid, but I wanted to make the characters bigger(which is also easier on path-finding) so I decided to go with 64x64.

The test-build image above shows the mother and daughter(as well as other things) on the grid-based overmap.  The blue squares on the map represents the daughter's movement range(think of each blue square as a grid-step, here you can see the daugther's movement is set to 5 grid-steps).  The grid system and basic movement on it is pretty easy for me to make, but what makes things more difficult is the path-finding, specific for the blue-squares here.

If you're wondering what path-finding is, it's basically finding the shortest route to get from one point to another while avoiding obstacles.
Without considering obstacles, the blue squares' positions can be calculated pretty easily.
For example, the daughter's movement is set to 5 grid-spaces, which means she can move 5 spaces away from where she is standing.  This is represented by the blue-squares.

But you might be wondering how does the game know where to draw each blue square?
First look at them vertically, they are drawn here in columns.  Specifically, the way the number of blue squares per column is calculated and drawn is like this: Start 5 grid-spaces to the left(5 is the daughter's movement) and draw 1 square, then grown 1 up and 1 down as it moves to the right until it reaches the daughters position(now 11 blue-squares), then reverse the process to make the right side(ending with 1 again on the right side).  And if there is a collision, the blue square isn't drawn at that location(in this example the big red box is the collision object).

This may seem like enough to make a good range of movement at first.  However, when you move the daughter next to the red-collision object, there will be directions she cannot walk 5 spaces due to collisions with the red-collision object(but the blue squares won't account for this(see above image).  note: the daughter cannot walk through the red-collision object, she must go around it.).

One of the ways to fix this is to use path-finding on each blue-square.  For this I mean that each square will see if a path can be made from it's position to the daughter character's.  If a path 5 grid-spaces long or less is found, the blue-square is drawn on-screen, otherwise it isn't.  With every blue-square using path-finding it might sound like that would be slow, but it all happens instantly due to factors such as the size of the grid, the distance from the daughter and the path-finding algorithm used.

After path-finding is applied(and an attack range of  3 is added and represented by red squares), the movement looks like this.  Now it correctly shows that she can only walk 5 spaces in each direction while also accounting for the collision object next to her.  This is basically how the movement/attack grid is calculated and drawn in the game now.

If your wondering about the long-skinny-red objects, those represent enemies, if she move in range and chooses to attack, the grid will correctly show which enemies can be attacked(see above image).  The game also builds a menu based on where your character has moved and what is able she do.  For example, in the image above, the 2 menu options right now are "Attack" since she's next to 3 enemies and "Wait"(which ends her action).

If you were to choose to "Attack" one of the enemies, it would take you to the side-scroll view map like this for combat. (The image above shows 2 instances of the mother moving, jumping and attacking for test purposes).

I don't know if you find this post interesting or confusing but I thought I would try to talk about this game's development more.  Right now, the game can cycle through both view modes.
I'm still not ready to talk too much about the story just yet, but I will reveal much more in the not to distance future, as well as tell you guys more about the game-play.

Also, you can still vote on the last poll here:

um, that's all for now,
see you guys later. ^^

Thursday, November 23, 2017

New Harem Game Reveal/Teaser + Poll

 (^click image for full-size)

Hi everyone,

My next new game will be based on a game idea I've had for a very, very long time that I've always really wanted to do but never really had the idea developed before now.

I do not have an official name for this game just yet, but think of the term "Harem Generations" for a hint about the game content.  To be more specific(without really going into the storyline), you start with 2 girls(a mother and daughter) and you must impregnate them to increase the population and avoid extinction(build a harem), the babies they give birth to are put into an age acceleration machine that can accelerate the baby's age to maturity.  Then you must have sex with your offspring too, repeating the cycle for they sake of humanity.

This will be a High-Quality game using a powerful general game engine I've built with gamemaker over this year, and If everything goes as plan, this game will be a post-apocalyptic harem-building game with gameplay (tentative) mainly being turn-based strategy + real-time fighting + dating sim hybrid(with emphasis on strategy during battle).
This game is still in the concept phase mostly(I am making a test build now too though), so somethings may change, but I will reveal much more to you guys about this game in the near future.  I hope you guys will look forward to it. ^^

Also if you would like to support the development of game such as this, which takes a great deal of time and work, please consider supporting me on my patreon.

Lastly, I was wondering what you guys think of Broken Hymn and Desires of Persephone now, so I made a poll.  Please let me know what you guys think in the poll and/or as a comment down below(also feel free to comment about my new harem game). You can vote on the poll here:

That's all for now,
see you all later.


Thursday, November 16, 2017

Desires of Persephone - First Chapter

Hi everyone,

Desires of Persephone first chapter is finally here and can be downloaded below.

This is a corruption rpg maker game(inspired by Village of Nightmare) about an evil sorceress named Chandra. she succeeds in summoning a powerful succubus named Persephone to the human world. Chandra is in love with Persephone and wants to corrupt the world by corrupting humans and turning them into Persephone worshipers. 

Due to the length of the game, I've referred to it as the first chapter.  If you like this game and want more of it please let me know.

You can download the game here:

Also, you can see the post for my other game release today, AmaiSei, here:

If you enjoy any of my works and feel as though you would like to help ensure that I'm able continue developing them in the future, possibly someday as more than just a hobby, I would be very grateful for a pledge on my patreon. I would also like to thank all the people who are or who have supported me in the past.  I really, really appreciate it.

Also, please feel free to leave feedback, comments and suggestions. ^^
that's all for now,
see you later.

AmaiSei - Ovulating Orifice v1.0

Hi everyone,
AmaiSei is now fully completed!  The game now features 37 stages, 7 different monster births, and 3 different endings.

Here's some info about the game(some of the following is a re-post):
AmaiSei is a puzzle/platforming game that focuses on the interactions between a pregnant elf girl and the player.

The elf girl (named Saori) was violated by a special parasite, turning her body into a living nursery for birthing monsters.  Saori is a kind, polite and somewhat lecherous elf girl who agrees to help the player under the condition that he becomes her permanent sexfriend afterwards.

When Saori has sex with someone, a monster egg cell inside of her will get fertilized and she can give birth to the new monster.  By using the abilities of the monsters she births, as well as her own skills and the players, you will be able to solve the game's puzzles.  You(the player) basically interact with Saori and the world with the computer mouse..

Here is a list of many of features the game has now: 
Lots of handmade sprites(and some backgrounds, all made from scratch)
Advanced world map system that lets you select stages and unlock new ones
Auto-Save/Load system for saving game data
Record Replays system has new features, now has a menu where you can load saved replays
autotiling system(tiles are joined automatically in a way similar to rpg maker)
powerful eventing system(making it very easy to make events)
custom collision system
Saori will follow your orders
ability to walk and jump
ability to carry certain items
Birth cycle system
ability to have sex and to give birth to 7 different monsters
ability to climb platforms and toss items(by wearing enhancement bracelets)
text/message box system
game text is stored externally(now in a style similar to ren'py's, text system was rewritten twice).


You can download the game here:

Also, you can see the post for my other game release today, Desires of Persephone, here:

If you enjoy any of my works and feel as though you would like to help ensure that I'm able continue developing them in the future, possibly someday as more than just a hobby, I would be very grateful for a pledge on my patreon. I would also like to thank all the people who are or who have supported me in the past.  I really, really appreciate it.

Also, please feel free to leave feedback, comments and suggestions. ^^
that's all for now,
see you later.

Sunday, November 12, 2017


Hi guys,
this is just a quick post,
Just out of curiosity, I made a poll and was wondering if you'll could vote on it here:

see you all soon

Friday, November 10, 2017

AmaiSei v1.00 live on patreon

Hi everyone,
AmaiSei is now complete and the full version is now live on patreon.
Here is information about the release dates:
-November 10th, 2017 - On patreon(early access/very early access)
-November 16th, 2017 - public release(on blog and anywhere else)

Also on the 16th, I will be posting Desires of Persephone here as well.

That's all for now,
see you all later.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Quick Update 10/19

Hi everyone,
I've posted abit about this on my patreon, but right now I'm planning to release the complete version of AmaiSei sometime between this month(October) and next month(Novermber).  I will let you guys know when it is ready.

Also, I'm planning to post Desires of Persphone - First Chapter publicly the same day I release AmaiSei publicly.
And also, I've started making a small new game a few months ago, which I will reveal publicly around the same time.

That's all for now,
see you all later ^^

Monday, August 14, 2017

AmaiSei Demo

Hi everyone,
AmaiSei - Ovulating Orifice Demo is finally here!  Here's some details about the game(some of the following maybe a repost):

In the earlier part of February, a started developing a puzzle/platforming game that focuses on the interactions between a pregnant elf girl and the player.

The elf girl (named Saori) was violated by a special parasite, turning her body into a living nursery for birthing monsters.  Saori is a kind, polite and somewhat lecherous elf girl who agrees to help the player under the condition that he becomes her permanent sexfriend afterwards.

When Saori has sex with someone, a monster egg cell inside of her will get fertilized and she can give birth to the new monster.  By using the abilities of the monsters she births, as well as her own skills and the players, you will be able to solve the game's puzzles.  You(the player) basically interact with Saori and the world with the computer mouse.

Unlike any of my other games, I will be creating all of the art myself from scratch, so all of this game's art will be original.  The game now also has a storyline, 16 different stages, 4 different monster births, replays, and many other new features.

Here is a list of many of features the game has now: 
Lots of handmade sprites(and some backgrounds, all made from scratch)
Advanced world map system that lets you select stages and unlock new ones
Auto-Save/Load system for saving game data
Record Replays system has new features, now has a menu where you can load saved replays
autotiling system(tiles are joined automatically in a way similar to rpg maker)
powerful eventing system(making it very easy to make events)
custom collision system
Saori will follow your orders
ability to walk and jump
ability to carry certain items
Birth cycle system
ability to have sex and to give birth to 4 different monsters
ability to climb platforms and toss items(by wearing enhancement bracelets)
text/message box system
game text is stored externally(now in a style similar to ren'py's, text system was rewritten twice).

You can download the demo here:

Or on here:

If you enjoy any of my works and feel as though you would like to help ensure that I'm able continue developing them in the future, possibly someday as more than just a hobby, I would be very grateful for a pledge on my patreon. I would also like to thank all the people who are or who have supported me in the past.  I really, really appreciate it.

Also, please feel free to leave feedback, comments and suggestions. ^^
that's all for now,
see you'll soon.

Friday, August 11, 2017

AmaiSei demo live on patreon(updated)

Hi everyone,
The AmaiSei Demo is finally completed and is now live on patreon.  If you're curious about the demo, I've posted a bit more about here on my earlier post:

Also, Here's the updated release dates for the demo:
Patreon Very early & early access August 11th, 2017
Public release(on blog and anywhere else) August 14th, 2017

That's all for now,
see you later.

Edit: Since this will be the first public release of the game, I've decided to move the release dates way up, please take a look above.

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Amaisei progress + demo date

Hi everyone,
It's been awhile since I posted, but since late last month I've had more time and made alot of progress on AmaiSei.  The demo is just about ready now.  The official demo will have about 16 stages, here are a list of features the demo will have:

New graphic assets created
Stages now have tiles placed
Auto-Save/Load system added to save game data
Record Replays system has new features, now has a menu where you can save/load replays
Saori can now give birth to 7 different monsters(about 4 will be in demo)
Advanced world map system added that lets you select stages and unlock new ones
Text system has been enhanced and additional internal game text now store externally
New objects added to puzzles

and here's a list of overview features listed on an earlier post:
storyline intro
Lots of handmade sprites(and some backgrounds, all made from scratch)
autotiling system(tiles are joined automatically in a way similar to rpg maker)
powerful eventing system(making it very easy to make events)
custom collision system
Saori will attempt to follow your orders
ability to walk and jump
ability to carry certain items
Saori now has a birth cycle
ability to climb platforms(with climber's bracelet)
ability to have sex and give birth to monsters(animation speed now changes as she has sex and birth fluid is released while birthing)
text/message box system
game text is stored externally(now in a style similar to ren'py's, text system was rewritten twice).


Here's the release dates for the demo:
Edit: Please click here for the updated dates

That's all for now,
see you later

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Quick Progress Update 7/01

Hi everyone,
I've had far less free time last month than I hoped(for a number of reasons), so I wasn't able to make nearly as much progress as I would have liked to, especially with AmaiSei.  However, I have been making fairly good progress with the storyline for Broken Hymn and I've created alot of new CGs for it. 

For AmaiSei, the main things I want to do before I release a public demo is add more monsters that Saori can birth and use, add a few more puzzles that uses the monsters, create and add more sprites/tiles, add sounds, and reorganize the storyline in the game. I'm not sure how long the AmaiSei demo will be just yet, but it will probably have at least 20 stages. 

I should have more free time in August, but I'm not completely sure how much free-time I'll have for the most part of this month, so I don't have any certain release dates right now.  Sorry if any of this is a bit disappointing, but I will try to let you guys know as the games progresses.  Right now, I am hoping to have the new AmaiSei demo ready sometime this month. 
Thanks for your support everyone!

That's all for now,
see you all later.

Monday, May 22, 2017

Quick progress update 5/22

Hi everyone,

AmaiSei is continuing to progress fairly well(though slowly), one of the most recent features I've added to the game is a replay feature.

When a map is completed, it now automatically saves all the actions to a small textfile.  Basically this file saves the exact mouse movement and clicks, but is saved in a way to keep the filesize very small.  This file can be used to show you a replay of how you played the stage. While the replay is playing, it can show guiding lines to the next point of movement.

It will be possible to show other people your replays be sending them the textfile.  Also, by using this feature it is also possible for me to add guided solutions to the game for people having trouble solving puzzles, however I'm not sure how I will handle this yet since I don't want to take the fun out of puzzle solving.

The maps are slowly coming together in this game, so I'm hoping to have a public version ready next month.


Also I haven't talked about Broken Hymn much lately, but it's in development now.  I don't want to spoil any of they story, so I'll just leave you guys with a teaser image for now.  It still has quite a ways to go, but I'll let you all know when it is ready. ^^

That's all for now,
see you all later.

Friday, May 5, 2017

AmaiSei Pre-Demo live on Patreon

Hi everyone,
A new playable pre-demo of AmaiSei - Ovulating Orifice is now on my patreon for patrons.  You can see the specific dates here.
Once the overall game is more complete, it will have an official demo that will get a public release.  Also, Broken Hymn is in development now too.

That's all for now,
see you later.

Sunday, April 30, 2017

Throwing and Shifting Views

Hi everyone,

Amaisei has been progressing fairly well lately. 

Recently, I've added button-operated moving-platforms. By using these, Saori can reach new areas or set objects on the movable platforms to carry objects for her in ways that wouldn't normally be possible.  Alot of new game bugs related to the moving platform came up after I created it, so one of the main things I've been doing lately with the game was debugging the movable platforms as along with more general debugging.  It took awhile, but all the main bugs should be fixed now.

One big change in the gameplay is that Saori now walks slower when carrying heavy objects and can't jump as high with them.  This changes the gameplay greatly and makes the maps more challenging to solve.  For example, a platform that Saori can normally jump to might impossible to reach while carrying a heavy object because Saori won't be able to jump as high.

 Saori aiming toward the mouse

Another new feature is that Saori can now throw objects at when she's wearing a thrower's bracelet.  I've also just added an advance aiming system that show a guide before throwing so you know exactly where the object will land.

 maps can now shift the view horizontally and vertically (click image for full-size)

Another one of the special features is that it is now possible for the camera view to smoothly shift to different regions, making it possible to have larger maps and more complex layouts.  The camera is met to stay at fixed points in this game to make it easier to use the mouse but it is also possible follow Saori directly in a very smooth manner.

I will post a playable build of game on my patreon soon, but before I post it publicly, I would like to make more puzzles, sexual interactions, and create more tiling assets and backgrounds for the game(if you look at the gifs above, they are basically in testmaps with black placeholder tiles).

If everything goes as planned, the game should ready to post a playable version here sometime next month(in May).

That's all for now,
See you later.

Thursday, April 27, 2017

H-Anime Music Videos

Hi everyone,

About a week ago, I posted some fan-made hentai-anime music videos I put together awhile ago on my youtube page just for fun.  These were created by combining clips from hentai-anime with music.

You can view all the others ones I did on my youtube page here.

See you all later.

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

More about Amaisei

 By wearing a special bracelet, Saori has the ability to climb, but be aware of dangers.

Hi everyone,

Most of the following is a repost from my patreon:
I've been making a lot of progress more recently.  Saori(the elf girl) now has a fully functional birth cycle.  This cycle is now displayed as a gui on the upper-left side of the screen next to her female reproductive system.

Please take a look at this new demonstration video showing how to defeat an ancient weapon and solve the puzzle: AmaiSei Demonstration 2.mp4

The video above shows a number of new things as well as things I may not have talked about yet.  The objective of the puzzle for Saori to take the diamond-shaped item to back to you(the player inside the eternal bubble).  Saori is able to use this item once to teleport both of you short distances(like to the next map).  Also, normally Saori can't climb walls due to her pregnancy, but if she wears an item called a climber's bracelet(the item she collects in the video), she will be strong enough to climb up walls while on the map.

On this map though, there is something called an ancient weapon that will shoot any living thing that gets in it's sight, making it impossible for Saori to just walk up to the diamond-shaped item.  Saori also can't climb up from behind it because of the ledge. To solve this, Saori will have to birth a monster to help her.  The next 3 monsters she can give birth to is hinted in the upper-left of the screen as 3 egg cells.  When an egg is fertilized, it will appear as a monster inside her uterus.

The green monster she gives birth to on this map is called a PlantCrawl, it is a simple monster that has very good climbing/scaling abilities and loves to eat certain foods.  When Saori births it, it will try to crawl around every wall it comes in contact with.  In the puzzle, it crawls it's way to the ancient weapon, which shoots the PlantCrawl at point blank range.
The explosion from the attack destroys both the PlantCrawl and the ancient weapon.  It should be noted though, the direction Saori is facing when giving birth is important here, if Saori was facing right, the PlantCrawl would have climbed up the platform from the left side and got shot by the ancient weapon before the PlantCrawl could get close enough.

So basically, you have to decide on your moves carefully to solve the puzzles.
Also, about the birth cycle,  on each game map, Saori can give birth to specific monster(s) for that map(if she has sex first).  What she can give birth to is hinted by the monster egg cells on the upper left(this is basically her birth cycle).

Here is a list of many of features the game has now: 
Short storyline intro
Lots of handmade sprites(and some backgrounds, all made from scratch)
autotiling system(tiles are joined automatically in a way similar to rpg maker)
powerful eventing system(making it very easy to make events)
custom collision system
Saori will attempt to follow your orders
ability to walk and jump
ability to carry certain items
Saori now has a birth cycle
ability to climb platforms(with climber's bracelet)
ability to have sex and give birth to monsters(animation speed now changes as she has sex and birth fluid is released while birthing)
text/message box system
game text is stored externally(now in a style similar to ren'py's, text system was rewritten twice).

There are a lot of different ideas for types of monster she can give birth to, though i'm not sure how many will make it into the game.  Some ideas include a monster that can create wormhole shortcuts(in a way similar to a game called Portal), a monster that can create a grapple connected to the celling and swing Saori on them, and a monster that shoots a ball that will get bigger and bigger as it roll in the snow(giant snowball)(note that all of these are just ideas).

Also, the male in the video was already naked on the ground, but in the future I plan to make it so Saori can disable the male(Saori might do this using a butt attack) and strip him of his clothes before having sex.

That's all for now,
see you all soon.

Friday, April 14, 2017

New Project Reveal: AmaiSei - Ovulating Orifice

Hi everyone,

In the earlier part of February, a started developing a puzzle/platforming game that focuses on the interactions between a pregnant elf girl and the player.

The elf girl (named Saori) was violated by a special parasite, turning her body into a living nursery for birthing monsters.  Saori is a kind, polite and somewhat lecherous elf girl who agrees to help the player under the condition that he becomes her permanent sexfriend afterwards.

When Saori has sex with someone, a monster egg cell inside of her will get fertilized and she can give birth to the new monster.  By using the abilities of the monsters she births, as well as her own skills and the players, you will be able to solve the game's puzzles.  You(the player) basically interact with Saori and the world with the computer mouse.

Unlike any of my other games, I will be creating all of the art myself from scratch, so all of this game's art will be original.  I've never publicly shown any of my handdrawn art before, but I hope it is to you guys liking, the art above is a main visual made by me for the game.  The in-game art is done in pixel art.  I am planning to do all sprite sex with frame-by-frame animation hopefully.

Please take a look at the concept video of the game here (or alternately you can download the High Quality version here)

And also here's a still screenshot of the game

When I started making this game, I planned for it to be a simple 2 week project to complete, but I quickly realized it would need much more time(especially if I draw all the art).  Depending on if I expand the idea anymore, it could take months more to finish the game.  Right now, this game is still in early development.


Here's some more specifics and how the story starts:

The player wakes up trapped inside a sphere-like object(called an Eternal Bubble), inside a large dark room. The player realizes he has no memories of the past.
A kind elf girl(Saori) also is inside the room, and she tells him that they fell in through the roof(his bubble broke her fall), and that the people above throw people who are unwanted down into the room(which is part of a labyrinth) to die.

Saori was banished due to parasitic monster raping her and irreversibly turning her body into a living nursery.

She doesn't know why you were banished, but she says it must be really bad if you're inside that bubble and that you will eventually run out of air. She tries to help you and is able to unlock a special power within you similar to telekinesis. Using this power(this is basically the player using the mouse), you and her must work together to escape and find out exactly what's happening in world.

This is mainly the idea of the game now, there are some newer stuff but I'll post them later.  So what do you think guys?  Please feel free to leave a comment or feedback. I will be posting more on this game here as I develop it. ^^

Also, if you would like to support my development of stuff like this, please feel free to check out my patreon here:

Also(after asking my patrons), my Patreon Tiers have now been updated!

That's all for now,
see you all soon!

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Teaser: New Game

Teaser: "Do you like elves, impregnation and monsters?"

I will be revealing the concept for a new game very soon(This is not an rpg maker game).  I will be revealing it on my Patreon first and then here probably a little later(once I decide on an official title for the game maybe).  This game is a departure from anything I've released in the past.

Also, thanks everyone for voting on my last poll, it was very helpful and I'm glad you guys like Broken Hymn.  I am still developing Broken Hymn, so please don't worry about that,  I'll let you know my plans for it once I post my new game.

Update 3/2: Just made a big post about the game on my patreon.

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Broken Hymn Development + Poll

Hi everyone,
The next release of Broken Hymn is planned to continue the story as well as have a new h-scene at the very beginning of the game(this will be the first h-scene within the game).  I will try to keep you guys updated as it develops.  Overall the game is planned to include a wide variety of fetishes as it's development progresses, some planned fetishes include: M-F, yuri, femdom, rape, futa, ntr, experimentation, monster-girl, gangbang, prostitution, amputee.

For the monster girls, there will probably be about 3 major races of them.  In Broken Hymn, these monster girls are considered very dangerous and are ravisher towards the male sex, even keeping males as their property.  I will try to post some concept images/CGs showing the monster girls on my patreon sometime soon.

Also, there is something I would like to poll you guys on.  There doesn't seem to be as much interest in Broken Hymn as any of my other main games and the amount of work needed to develop it is much greater than any of my other rpg maker games.  However, Broken Hymn is probably my favorite out of all my rpg maker games.

So I've made a poll for Broken Hymn and I was wondering if everyone here could vote on it:

Thank everyone,
see you all soon.

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Broken Hymn v0.2.0

Hi everyone,
A new version of Broken Hymn is here.

For this release, the things that took me the longest time to finish were the storyline and the mapping.  All of the new content for this version takes place on Lean's side of the game(new storyline is right after where he ended in the last release). 

And also, the storyline has been reorganized a little, which  unfortunately(along with a few new scripts) breaks compatibility with all old save files.  I will try to have the save system stable so old files can be carried over after chapter 1 is completed.  Also, on the next release of the game, the game will have its first erotic scene.

Also, it should be noted again that the fate of this game will likely be decided on the next few releases, I would love to make this a long, completed game, so if alot of you guys like this game, I will continue making it. However if most of you guys aren't interested in this game, it may be canceled after about 1 more release.  So please let me know if you guys like this type of game. 

Here's a list of the main changes for this release:
  • Added new storyline on Lean's side of the game
  • Added and changed game events
  • Added a new script that automatically loads all side-doors circles 
  • Added an automatic event fading script that allows events to fade in/out much easier
  • Added new quests from storyline to Quest Journal
  • Lean and Mina now have new sprites
  • Added new sprites for Miss Karin and a few other charaters
  • Changed the lighting inside the keep to make it more subtle
  • Added new maps and changed some inside the keep(keep has been greatly renovated)
  • Added/Changed new lighting overlays for many maps
  • Minor fix to spelling/grammar errors 
  • Added a script that makes testing different lightings much easier(this is only met for debugging)

Download (no rtp)
Download (with rtp merged)

If you downloaded the "no rtp"version, you'll also need to download rpgmaker vxace run-time package(if you don't have it installed already), you can download it here:

If you enjoy any of my works and feel as though you would like to help ensure that I'm able continue developing them in the future, possibly someday as more than just a hobby, I would be very grateful for a pledge on my patreon. I would also like to thank all the people who are or who have supported me in the past.  I really, really appreciate it.

That's all for now,
Enjoy. ^^

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Broken Hymn v0.2.0 live on patreon

Hi everyone,
A new version of Broken Hymn is out, it is now on Patreon as early access for patrons of alpha/beta level.  Here is the information about the release date:

February 4th, 2017 - Patrons/Donators Early Access
February 11th, 2017 - Public Release(on blog and anywhere else)

That's all for now,
see you all later.

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

quick update: broken hymn progress 1/31

Hi everyone,
I posted a more detailed report on my patreon, but right now all of the dialog, maps and lighting overlays, and most everything else is now completed.  However, the development time needed for broken hymn is more than any game I've done in the past(but hopefully I'll get faster as I go along), and I've had less free time than I thought I would, so I will need a little bit more time to get the game ready.  Sorry for the wait.  The new version of broken hymn will be released sometime within the next few days.

That's all for now,
see you later.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

broken hymn quick progress update 2

Hi everyone,
This is just a quick update, the new version of broken hymn is slowly getting closer and closer to completion and is set for release sometime this month.

In case anyone's curious, here's another preview screenshot(in debug, lighting will probably look different from this in the next version):

I've done many things to the game since last version, but more recently, one thing in particular I did aside from storyline was write a script to help make debugging and editing the lighting setting easier.  This allows me to test maps with different preset lightnings and to manually adjust lighting easily.  I also noticed that on some computer monitors the keep's interior appears too dark, so the keep's lighting will be more subtle on the next version.

Another one of the major sprites I redid was Princess Mina's, I've done many variations for her appearance, but here's what the starting one looks like now:

That's all for now,
see you all later.