I was planning to post this sooner but wasn't able to (mainly because of free time).
On my last post, I talked abit about how I updated the visual of the models, I modded them even more. Victoria in particular, where I completely redid her proportions again. Here's what the massive Victoria looks like now after the new modding:
The differences from the one in the last demo is Victoria's model itself is higher quality(among the highest I've seen in 3DCG), her proportions are better(longer arms/legs, better butt shape, more emphasis on butt, her hair texture is been changed to a nicer custom one). Basically a big overhaul, If it's hard to tell the difference, please look at this one:
On the left is how they look in the last demo, on the right is how they look now(though Lorelei's skin tone has been adjusted slightly since this CG). Victoria also looks quite different from on my last post too.
This shows her butt, even know it was big, it use to be rather flat, now it's much rounder and smoother. Animated it is something like this(I haven't added butt physics atm but I have set it so I can manually deform it. I might also try to make her butt a bit rounder from behind).
Now, the new model bodies are a little taller(which I gave to all the girls), and I made minori's head a little smaller to balance it better with his body. Plus I gave Victoria a little bonus height so I could make her butt a little bigger while still looking more balanced. So basically everyone is even taller than Minori now.
Until I had finished updating the models I had to put a number of things on hold, one of the things were making fighter animations to battle in side-view mode. However, after I've finished updated them, I converted a number of them to MMD so I can make new animations. Before I could do this I had to figure out their new in-game height. Minori is now 84 pixels tall, while Lorelei is 96 pixels tall, and Victoria is about 137 pixels tall. After animating in MMD and photoshop, here's an example of Victoria new animations(jumping north-east, attacking):
The weapon Victoria uses is similar to a spear. I also decide to rebuild the side-view fighting from the beginning in the game, along with the new animations. So the platforming is much better now (I've been reading some stuff on creating "intuitive controls"). Here's what Victoria's sliding animation looks like in-game now:
Here's some different actions in-game(yellow block is a placeholder for an enemy character of average height):
All of this(mainly modding/editing characters and platforming rebuild) has taken a very long time and has problem set me back about 2 months in development, but it seems to have turned out rather well. I was planning to post a tech-demo here of the new platforming but there are still things I would like to do with is before that. Currently the AI player(yellow block) has goes by choosing a random movement goal: idle, move toward player/item, move away from player/item, and when in range there's a chance the AI will attack you. For Lorelei, she will have a bow & arrow that gives her long range attacks. I still don't have a release date though, but once this is all done I will put it all into the main game and write the storyline, add gameplay up to the point for the next main demo. I will let you guys know once it's ready.
That's all for now,
see you later.
Glad to see it's still being worked on. Here's cheering for ya'!
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